

Always for the best
  • 35,00 € - 76,00 € / hr
  • //freelancer.fossatech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/rsz_ukraine_flag.pngUkraine
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srthsgrhrghg thsthest fgehgseth

I'll be your HR and recruiter
  • 10,00 € - 25,00 € / hr
  • //freelancer.fossatech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/rsz_ukraine_flag.pngUkraine
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Are you looking for a qualified HR professional who is specialized in the preparation of job descriptions, company policies, and procedures? I CAN deliver. Are…

Recruiting, Recruiting Marketing and Employer Branding
  • 35,00 € - 85,00 € / hr
  • //freelancer.fossatech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/rsz_ukraine_flag.pngUkraine
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Seasoned recruiting expert helping you to uncover talent for your business, reducing your recruiting cost and increase your hiring quality.